ReMelt Material and Revert Handling

ReMelt Scientific, a product of Retech, specializes in providing engineered solutions and equipment for material handling of the input, output and revert streams in the reactive and refractory, as well as light metal industries. Retech and ReMelt have been working alongside one another for decades, albeit on a less formal basis—consulting, collaborating, and subcontracting. Now, that partnership has been formalized. As much an engineering division as it is a product line, ReMelt works closely with our industry partners to provide cost effective quality products that set the standard for the industry. ReMelt Scientific is a system integrator that uses the best products available for each particular installation. Every ReMelt system is custom engineered to the specific needs of each and every project, ensuring that the best solution for each and every particular installation is met with focused attention to meet desired results. ReMelt Scientific takes metal chip processing/treatment and melt preparation to a new level, maximizing metal yield rates, minimizing energy consumption, while providing reliable heavy-duty systems.

product 1
Reactive and Refractory Metals

ReMelt designs and supplies titanium aqueous wash and melt preparation systems that will crush, wash, rinse, dry, and magnetically separate titanium chips with production rates in excess of 2,000 lbs/per hr.




Raw and Revert material preparation and handling

Coming Soon
product 1

ReMelt is the worldwide leader in the recycling of internally generated scrap for the aluminum wheel industry. ReMelt also supplies chip systems to many other segments within the aluminum industry, with production rates ranging from 1,000 lbs/hr to 15,000 lbs/hr.




Raw and Revert material preparation and handling

Coming Soon
product 1
Weigh and Blend Systems

ReMelt systems are designed to weigh and blend various alloys, such as; titanium chips, titanium sponge, master alloys, aluminum, iron, TiO2, and others to meet customer desired chemistry needs that adhere to aerospace industry requirements.


Titanium chips, titanium sponge, master alloys, aluminum, iron, TiO2, others


Weigh and Blend processes

Coming Soon
product 1
Other Metals and Services

ReMelt has a wide range of experience processing other metals such as; brass, bronze, nickel, stainless steel, and steel. ReMelt has qualified personnel available to visit, evaluate, and consult on your specific project.


Brass, bronze, nickel, stainless steel, and steel


System Integration, Unique metallurgy processes

Coming Soon

ReMelt Material and Revert Handling FAQ’s